Maine White Pine Cone


About Green Amendments For the Generations

The Mission of Green Amendments For The Generations is to ensure every person and community across the United States is able to experience the health, quality of life, education, joy and economic prosperity provided by a clean, safe and healthy environment; to end environmental racism; and to help ensure that nature itself is able to thrive, by constitutionally empowering all people to secure and enforce their inalienable human right to pure water, clean air, a stable climate, healthy ecosystems and environments.

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About the Green Amendment Movement

Communities across the nation are suffering as the result of environmental degradation — they are being denied clean water, clean air, healthy soils in which to grow healthy foods, the forests and wetlands they need to be protected from floods, drought and storms, as well as the healthy plant and animal communities that support and enrich their lives. And increasingly communities are being harmed by a growing human and pollution induced climate crisis, including floods, droughts, disease, impacts to food, changing weather dynamics and more.

Until now, communities and activists have relied on Federal and State legislation to fight for a cleaner environment. And they have been fighting a losing battle. Because the sad truth is, our laws are designed to accommodate pollution rather than prevent it. As a result people feel powerless when it comes to preserving the quality of their water, air, public parks, and special natural spaces. Environmental Justice communities find themselves particularly hard hit; while there is increasing recognition and awareness when it comes to considering environmental justice issues, the fact is that People of Color, Indigenous Communities, low income communities, and communities with high immigrant populations continue to be disproportionately targeted for placement and expansion of polluting industrial operations and environmentally degrading activities.

But there is a solution: bypass the laws and turn to the ultimate authority—our state and federal constitutions.  (Learn the full story and about the Green Amendment movement in:  The Green Amendment, The People’s Fight For a Clean, Safe & Healthy Environment.)

In 2013,  the Delaware Riverkeeper Network led by Green Amendments founder & Delaware Riverkeeper Maya van Rossum,  won a watershed legal victory that not only protected Pennsylvania communities from ruthless frackers, but affirmed the constitutional right of people in the state to a clean and healthy environment. Following this victory, van Rossum defined the term “Green Amendment” and launched the Green Amendment movement, dedicated to empowering every American community to mobilize for constitutional change in order to protect our environment for present and future generations.

The goal of Green Amendments For The Generations is to advance a national, state by state,  Green Amendment movement and to ensure that governments across the nation at the local and state level honor the rights of all people to pure water, clean air, a stable climate and healthy environments in the laws they enact, the decisions they make, and the actions they take by securing the passage of enforceable environmental rights amendments in the Bill of Rights section of every constitution – state and federal –  and ensuring their strong and meaningful enforcement.

(Learn more about Green Amendments Founder Maya K. van Rossum and/or to find a link to invite her to speak before your organization or community.)

How We Work

We work in collaboration with environmental leaders, legislators, faith groups and individuals to educate and empower communities to advance Green Amendment proposals which defend their inalienable rights to pure water, clean air, a stable climate and healthy environments, and to hold government accountable to ensure they honor the environmental rights of all people in the laws they enact, the decisions they make, and the actions they take.

GAFTG is an Independent 501(c)(3)

Green Amendments For the Generations (GAFTG) is an independent 501(c)(3) established in 2019 and the leading organization working nationwide to advance a Green Amendment Movement, constitutional environmental rights amendments, state by state and ultimately at the federal level.

What Does It Mean To Be A Member

A member of Green Amendments For The Generations (GAFTG) is a person who supports the mission and goals of GAFTG and, through actions taken, activities pursued, and consent given, has requested or accepted membership in GAFTG.

A member is a person who has taken action in support of the mission and goals of GAFTG through means provided by or connected with GAFTG, including, but not limited to:

  • sending letters to governmental officials at the local, state or federal level regarding constitutional environmental rights and/or Green Amendment enforcement in advocacy or legal actions;
  • actively participating in legal action either as an appellant or a standing witness related to GAFTG legal efforts;
  • actively participating in Green Amendment educational programming, trainings or community outreach efforts;
  • working with GAFTG to bring forth Green Amendment issues in advocacy initiatives;
  • sharing and/or distributing GAFTG informational and/or educational materials;
  • donating to the organization; or
  • involving themselves regularly in organizational support, such as serving on a committee, attending GAFTG workshops, or participating in GAFTG events.

GAFTG members as defined above do not have authority to speak for, to make representations on behalf of, to file any legal or advocacy action on behalf of or in the name of, the GAFTG organization, and do not have voting rights in the administration, oversight, or operations of the organization. The GAFTG Board of Directors may terminate a person’s membership in the organization. These definitions, guidelines and limitations apply to GAFTG efforts at the national, state and local level and apply to any partnerships, coalitions or chapters of which we are a part.

View the Board of Directors full resolution regarding “membership” in GAFTG: resolution re membership.