Maine White Pine Cone


Act Now

Advance the Pine Tree Amendment in Maine

Sign Our Petition

We need your support! Help us demonstrate support for a Pine Tree Amendment in Maine. If you want to support the effort to secure the Pine Tree Amendment in Maine and want to get more engaged please sign our ME Pine Tree Amendment petition of support .

Encourage Others

Encourage others to sign the petition!
Share the link on social media, or print a copy of the petition and take it with you to work, coffee shops, social gatherings or events, and ask others to sign the petition too. Once you have a completed sheet, be sure to mail or scan and email copies to You can print a copy here.

Mail paper petitions to
Green Amendments For The Generations,
925 Canal St, Suite 3701, Bristol, PA 19007

Spread the Word on Social Media

Spread the word on social media to your friends and family and tag legislators.
Help us spread the word about the Pine Tree Amendment! Let your friends and family know what a Pine Tree Amendment is and how it can help your community and environment. Share the petition link or resources. Or tag your legislators and let the know why a Pine Tree Amendment is important to you. Be sure to use #PineTreeAmendment.

Follow GAFTG on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram to easily share our educational posts and stay up to date.

Encourage your Municipality

Encourage your municipality or county to pass a resolution in support of the Pine Tree Amendment
Be sure your officials send a copy of the passed resolution to their state Senate and House representatives and send a copy to Green Amendments For The Generations (925 Canal St, suite 3701, Bristol, PA 19007) or email to so we can keep track of the building support. And if you would like Maya van Rossum, GAFTG Founder and author of the book The Green Amendment to come speak to your targeted board of officials about the benefits of a Pine Tree Amendment, please reach out to

Passed Resolution as an example: New Brunswick

Sign on your Organization

Sign your group onto the Organization Petition in support of a Pine Tree Amendment.

If you are a representative of an organization in Maine that is supportive of advancing a Pine Tree Amendment and authorized to sign for your organization, then sign your organization here and encourage support from your members.

Hand Write a Letter to Your Legislators

Write a letter telling your Maine state representatives and state senator, expressing why you think a Pine Tree Amendment is important for Maine.

Use this helpful and creative toolkit to get started.

Write an Opinion Piece or Letter to the Editor

Write an Opinion Piece or Letter to the Editor to your local paper expressing the benefits of the Pine Tree Amendment in Maine.
Help us spread the word about the Pine Tree Amendment in Maine! Let your community members know what the Pine Tree Amendment is and how it can help your community and environment.

Learn About the Process

Learn about the process to amend the Maine Constitution here.

Donate to support a Green Amendment