Maine White Pine Cone


May 2022 Newsletter

“Denying the people an opportunity to testify regarding the proposed amendment to give people the right to clean air and clean water is unfair.” 

– Maya van Rossum, Founder of GAFTG

Spotlight: 30min Episodes for Your 30mins on the Road

The Green Genes Podcast has released new episodes from Season 2 that will smack you awake on your way to work this week! If you enjoy this podcast and want to support, consider making a donation here:

Episode 4: Roe v. Wade is Under Attack & Native Gardens 
A discussion about the devastating news from the Supreme Court leak and a return to Native Gardening and its impacts on the environment. 

Episode 3: What Could $44 Billion Do for the Planet? 
Maya and Anneke take on Elon Musk and his $44 billion decision, while showing you what good $44B could actually do for our world and environment…rather than just buying an app to prove a point. 

Episode 2: Did You Ever Think About Bugs Disappearing? 
The event has been coined “Insect Armageddon”. That’s right, climate change and human actions have quite literally decimated the little guy, our insect friends. Maya and Anneke dive into what is happening to bugs and why less of them buzzing around your head isn’t necessarily a good thing. 

Episode 1: Endangered Jaguar Spotted in Arizona
We think this title is pretty self-explanatory. Maya and Anneke, what are we supposed to make of this?​​​​​​​​

News from Across the Green Amendment Movement 

Delaware’s Bill and 8 Cosponsors

The DE Green Amendment has a new assigned bill number: HB 220! We are moving full steam ahead with Rep. Wilson-Anton, the youngest Representative in the Delaware House, as our primary cosponsor! Now is the time for engagement, spreading the word, and taking action! 

Thank you to all who joined us for our Rally on May 17th to support the right to clean water and air for all DE residents! Students from Wilmington Charter, University of Delaware, and Delaware State University attended and spoke to the importance of a Green Amendment to their futures. Success soon followed the rally, as additional legislators agreed to cosponsor HB 220; we now have 14 cosponsors! 

Missed our DE Green Amendment Panel Series? View and share the recordings from these events below:

New Jersey

Thank you to all who came out to support our Earth Day Film Screening of Here’s the Story: The Green Amendment!     

Watch the film here

Save the date for our action to urge NJ legislators to grant the NJ Green Amendment a public hearing! On June 16th in Trenton, NJ, show up alongside NJ activists, environmental justice leaders, and residents to demonstrate that the people of NJ want their voices heard and their environmental rights constitutionally recognized and protected. This is a chance to network with other passionate NJ residents and leaders, featuring a Press Conference where people will be giving statements about why the Green Amendment is needed in NJ. If you are interested in attending or know someone who may want to participate, register here or share it! Visit our NJ website to stay updated! 

“The Storm’s Coming”: Washington State
Rep. Lekanoff, Washington State’s Green Amendment primary sponsor, said it best as we prepare for the Green Amendment movement storm coming to Washington state in full force. Efforts are in motion to build a Washington coalition and solidarity amongst a diverse variety of organizations and communities across the state. Check out our WA website for more information and if you are interested in being involved, please reach out to us at

13th Active State: Welcome Georgia! 
The Peach state has joined the Green Amendment movement! Stay tuned for a Georgia Green Amendment website and upcoming educational and community engagement events. 

​​Upcoming Events

Pennsylvania Climate Convergence 

June 11-13, 2022
Harrisburg, PA 

This June, advocates, activists, and concerned residents will converge in Harrisburg to tell our governor, lawmakers, and regulators that they are having the wrong conversation on climate and need to change their stance. GAFTG will be tabling and spreading awareness about the Green Amendment movement nationwide! Learn more here.

Saturday, June 11 – Festival of art, music, theater, talks, tabling and more!
Sunday, June 12 – Day of action starting with an interfaith service followed by a march.
Monday, June 13 – Day of action at the Capitol.

Green Amendment Day 2022 (Wednesday, July 13th)

Join us for “Green Amendments: Transforming Environmental Rights from Rhetoric to Reality”, our 2nd Annual Green Amendment Day, to dive into the transformation of environmental change from rhetoric on signs and documents, to a viable reality for the people. 

On Wednesday, July 13th, we are bringing you a full day of opportunity and collaboration as we dive into how Green Amendments serve as not only a blueprint for climate restoration, but also a practical pathway to environmental rights for all.. The day will be full of inspirational narratives and action opportunities to fight global climate injustices, from unequal access to clean water, oil and gas industry exploitation, sacrifice zones, and more! Register here!

GAFTG Headlines

Supporters Rally for Green Amendment | Cape Gazette

Why the Delaware Green Amendment Matters to You | Cape Gazette 

Constitutional Right to Clean Environment Up for A Vote in State LegislatureC | DPM (Delaware)

DE Lawmakers Trying to Protect the Environment with the Green Amendment | 47 ABC

Green Amendment Would Add Healthy Environment to Constitutional Rights in Washington | KNKX Public Radio

ACLU of PA Settles with the City of Harrisburg…Allowing Climate Festival to Go Forward | ACLU Pennsylvania
